Saturday, February 25, 2012

Glocester East Light

Finally back in the Apartment after living in a hotel for 2 week.  I have been aching to paint this lighthouse using the same set up as the hunting shack and MN farm.  It makes for a rather appealing painting because of the color harmony. 

I felt like a draftsman at one point trying to get all these angles right.  I did quite a bit of scape and repaint. 

The palette scheme was limited to UMB, Ver, AZ Crim, YO, Cad RedL and Cad Y.  Also premixed some grey modifiers to tone down chroma and ease into unified values. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Minnesota Winter Farm

Feeling a bit nostalgic this morning, set up for another timed landscape.  I have decided to call these exercises "Alla Digitale".  From the combination of Alla Prima and Digitale. 

Oil on Linen Panel