Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Market Sunfowers

The Market in Syracuse is full of Sunflowers this time of year. My inner Van Gogh could not resist trying my had at a botanical arrangement. The use of live flowers certainly makes for motivation to complete in short timne. I tried to keep a little loose while capturing enough detail to work on my sketching.   I tried to reduce my palette this time, by using only one blue and no greens. Deciding on shadow color was tough. I tried three different schemes before settling on a transparent red orange to keep it warm.  Still having a hard time discerning shadow color.  I am told this comes with time.  Sure it does!?  Just like I'll start seeing the world in Henche color study blocks too!.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Village House

Drove by this place a few times, I thought if the sun poked out this morning, I would head there and paint. It did; and then it rained; and then the sun came out again. I hid under the SUV hatchback and kept the umbrella over the easel. The owners came out and took my picture.  Said they wanted to see it when it was done.  I'll go back. 

10x8 oil on primed panel.